Friday, November 9, 2012

GED 2014 Test | Highlights... cont.

My continued understanding of the new GED 2014 series test is………
  1. Individuals will need to take all four of the GED tests at an approved Pearson Vue Testing Center.
  2. The total testing time (all four tests) is 7 hours.
  3. The breakdown of the tests is as follows:  Science 1 hr 15 min, Social Studies 1 hr 30 min, Mathematical Reasoning 1 hr 15 min, and Reasoning Through Language Arts 3 hr.
  4. Individuals will not have to take the tests at the same time, but can take them one at a time.
  5. For the Mathematical Reasoning test, there will be an on-screen scientific calculator.  Hand held calculators will not be allowed.
  6. Scratch paper will not be allowed.  Rather individuals will be able to use small white boards and on screen highlighting.
  7. Tests are not adaptive:  Questions do not change in difficulty based on individuals responses.
  8. Within a test, Individuals will be able to move back and forth between problems/questions and problems can be marked so that an individual can go back to complete them.
  9. An on-screen formula sheet will be provided for the Mathematical Reasoning test.


  1. A local testing center where I live reports that the cost of taking the GED will rise from $40 (pencil and paper version) in 2013 to $120 (computer version; no pencil and paper version offered) in 2014. Given how impoverished the typical GED test taker is, this saddens me.

    I guess two upsides are that (1) scores will be ready much sooner; possibly instantaneously and (2) my local community college uses a somewhat similar computer test for admissions purposes.

    Thank you for all the information you are sharing.

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